comprising: a Chinese Imari globular teapot and cover; a pear-shaped teapot with high relief floral decoration and a cover; a famille-rose globular teapot and cover enamelled with a peony scroll; and a small famille-rose teapot and cover enamelled with an Immortal and his attendants, the largest 17cm wide; together with two famille rose teacups, four teabowls and four saucers, the largest 11.5cm diameter
清十八/十九世纪 外销连盖茶壶四只
Sold for £240
comprising: a Chinese Imari globular teapot and cover; a pear-shaped teapot with high relief floral decoration and a cover; a famille-rose globular teapot and cover enamelled with a peony scroll; and a small famille-rose teapot and cover enamelled with an Immortal and his attendants, the largest 17cm wide; together with two famille rose teacups, four teabowls and four saucers, the largest 11.5cm diameter
Auction: Chinese and Japanese Works of Art, 14th May, 2024
Friday 10 May 10:00pm - 7:00pm
Sunday 12th May 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Monday 13th May 10:00am - 5:00pm