earthenware, of bulbous form, with cylindrical ridged neck and twin loop handles with notched decoration, 17.5cm high
Provenance: Private collection, London. Acquired Sotheby's London, 17 March 1969, lot 74.
Sold for £480
earthenware, of bulbous form, with cylindrical ridged neck and twin loop handles with notched decoration, 17.5cm high
Provenance: Private collection, London. Acquired Sotheby's London, 17 March 1969, lot 74.
Auction: Indian, Islamic, Himalayan and South-East Asian Art, including Greek and Roman Antiquities, 5th Jun, 2024
Sunday 2nd June: 12:00pm to 4:00pm
Monday 3rd June: 10:00am to 8.00pm
Tuesday 4th June: 10.00am to 5.00pm